Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism
Councils of the Assembly St. Molua #4075 / Star of the Sea #7297 / Bishop Burke #11285 Msgr. Desmond #13348 / St. Ann Council #16771 By-Laws
MEETINGS: The Assembly meets on the third Monday of the month @ 5:30 PM on Zoom & at the Georgetown Library.
The Supreme Assembly of the Fourth Degree is a board of government for the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus 1. It is composed of the Supreme Master, the Supreme Knight, the Supreme Secretary, and the duly appointed Vice Supreme Masters of the Fourth Degree 2. The Supreme Assembly has the supreme power and control over the Fourth Degree, including the making, amending, and changing of all laws, rules, and regulations concerning the same 3. The Fourth Degree consists of Knights who have the special honor of holding the title “Sir Knight,” participating in color and honor guards, and organizing programs that promote Catholic citizenship 2. When taking the Fourth Degree, Knights become part of a Fourth Degree Assembly in their area |
When knighthood was in flower, knights carried the sword to defend their God, their Church, their country and their fellow man according to the code of chivalry. Today, Sir Knights wear a modern uniform and carry the sword to honor Christ and His apostles, especially on religious and civic occasions. Hence, the primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to encourage active Catholic citizenship and foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large.
For the past 75 years the basic Color Corps uniform was the tux, cape and chapeau but a new uniform has recently been introduced which consists of a grey dress slacks, dark blue blazer, official fourth degree tie, and a dark blue beret, the jacket and beret with the emblem of the fourth degree.
The Color Corps members exemplify all the principles of our Order: • Charity - by the gift of their time and energies necessary to practice, perfect and perform the ceremonials and sword drill; • Unity – by the united efforts of Sir Knights to practice and perfect a coordinated drill for the good of the Church and the Order; • Fraternity – by expressing an “Esprit de Corps,” sharing a common desire for drill excellence and camaraderie; and • Patriotism – by performing precision drill as a salute to God and to country and visually exhibiting a love for both. |
The public appearance of Fourth Degree Knights as a Color Corps at religious and civic functions is an important activity of each assembly. By these public demonstrations their loyalties bring credit to themselves and to the Knights of Columbus.
The Color Corps has two sub-groups, the Color Guard and the Honor Guard. The Color Guard consists of the flag bearers and at least two members of the Honor Guard who escort the colors. The Honor Guard consists of members of the Color Corps who have mastered the Manual of the Sword. In Assembly 0155, all members of the Color Corps also belong to the Honor Guard. The public appearance of Fourth Degree Knights as a Color Corps at religious and civic functions is an important activity of each assembly.
The Color Corps has two sub-groups, the Color Guard and the Honor Guard. The Color Guard consists of the flag bearers and at least two members of the Honor Guard who escort the colors. The Honor Guard consists of members of the Color Corps who have mastered the Manual of the Sword. In Assembly 0155, all members of the Color Corps also belong to the Honor Guard. The public appearance of Fourth Degree Knights as a Color Corps at religious and civic functions is an important activity of each assembly.
The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus is to inculcate a love of country and impress the duties of citizenship. Its motto is Patriotism -- a patriotism enlightened and informed by religion. MEMBERSHIP
Applications for membership in the Fourth Degree may be made to any assembly provided the applicant is:
While the Fourth Degree is the highest and the Honorary Degree of the Order, a member must maintain his council membership in good standing in order to retain his Fourth-Degree membership. The Third Degree, through its elected officers, on the Supreme and the State Council levels is the governing body of the Order, with the Supreme Board of Directors, the highest authority. This Board appoints the Supreme Master and the Vice Supreme Masters of the Fourth Degree. A Vice Supreme Master presides over a Province which consists of a number of Districts. The Supreme Master appoints the Master of the District who supervises the Assemblies in his jurisdiction. The Assemblies, in turn, are composed of members of one or more Councils in the Assembly area. FOURTH DEGREE EMBLEM
The Triad Emblem of the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus features: the Dove, the Cross, the Globe. The Dove, the classic symbol of the Holy Spirit and Peace, is shown hovering over the orb of the Earth or Globe. Both are mounted on a variation of the Crusader's cross, that which was found on the tunics and capes of the Crusading Knights who battled to regain the Holy Land. Our Honored Order cherishes as its patron Christopher (Christ Bearer) Columbus (Dove of Peace), symbolizing the Paraclete. Spiritually, the sacred symbols on the emblem typify the Union of the Three Divine Persons in one Godhead...the most blessed Trinity. The Globe... God the Father, Creator of the Universe The Cross...God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind The Dove...God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of Humanity The colors of the symbols are: A Blue Globe with the lands of the Western Hemisphere in White A Red Cross with gold borders, and gold knobs at the ends of the Cross A White Dove. Red, White, and Blue are the colors of the flag of the country in which our Order originated; and are used to stress the basic principle of the Fourth Degree: Patriotism |
Mailing Address
Michael Pfarr
16768 Brookstone Dr.
Milton, DE 19968
Michael Pfarr
16768 Brookstone Dr.
Milton, DE 19968